The Republic of Korea is a mature, rich, and technologically advanced democracy with an impressive record of innovation, economic reform, and sound leadership. While most people think of Korea as the home of only a few international brands, like LG, Samsung, and Hyundai, in actual fact Korea is 8th in the ranking of countries with parents of global companies, having 14 firms listed in Fortune 500.
With such a vibrant market, it is not surprising that many MNCs have invested or are planning to invest in the country. In fact, over a thousand MNCs are currently in South Korea, with more than 50% of Fortune 500 companies having an established presence in the country.
However, linguistic barriers, social conventions, and unique economic characteristics must be taken into consideration when approaching this market. For instance, South Korea has a unique economic organisation based on Chaebols or conglomerates, with global multinationals owning numerous international enterprises. Do you know how to approach a market with such a structure?
And what about reaching the right target audience like IT professionals and Line of Business?
At Pulley Ascent, we can help you navigate through Koreas market to reach your target audience, and we do it with our native Korean staff, so as to avoid any cultural or linguistic hiccups. Contact Us today to discuss your business requirements.